Christmas Time

Christmas, Christmas Time, Holiday, Merry ChristmasOnly a few days left before Christmas. I couldn’t agree more with Andy William’s with his famous chorus line “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”. This holiday is my most favorite among the others. In fact, I love it more than my birthday because people seem to be kinder, happier and more generous.

Everyone is on a festive mode. It’s not a bad thing but sometimes it’s easy for us to forget why we’re really celebrating this occasion with all the shopping that needs to be done, parties/reunions to attend and food to prepare etc. etc.

So far, I have attended one Christmas party this December. I came in late so I didn’t know if they started it with a prayer but sadly I never heard the name of Christ being mentioned since the time of my arrival until I left. The next few days, a friend also was telling me the aftermath of their party over the phone and the description was very similar to ours. In our party, all I can remember was a lot of shouting, dancing and drinking. In my opinion, a Christmas party without Christ is just a party.

Jesus Christ is the reason why we have something to celebrate. His arrival here on Earth as a baby on that manger is the beginning of a mission that would later on lead to His death and resurrection. Coming into this world means giving His love that we do not deserve. Because of what He did that we now have forgiveness in our past, present and future sins. It also means that now we can be saved through accepting Jesus in our lives, claim all His good promises for His children and have assurance of it. Now tell me, isn’t that something worth celebrating?

I hope we won’t forget Christ as we attend/organize future parties and as we reunite with family and friends this Christmas. May we all find time to thank, praise and remember what He did and what he’s continually doing in our lives. Lastly, my prayer is that you respond to the love of Christ by accepting Him as Lord and Savior of your life and celebrate it everyday.

Don’t be the one to snob the celebrant. Merry Christmas 🙂

Friday the 13th

"Friday the 13th"

I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot of “Friday the 13th” comments spoken/written in a way like something bad is going to happen. Sorry I became a little judgmental on their intentions asking myself why are these people affected but then I realized that they’re not because these “people” managed to go to work or continue with their daily routine instead of staying at home and waiting anxiously for the day to end.

I made a quick search about Friday the 13th and a lot of theories can be found in Wikipedia that probably have turned this day into a day of bad luck. For me, the reasons, just like any other superstition, have always been shallow, baseless and nonsensical .

I’m assuming that all my FB contacts and friends are either less or not all concerned with this Friday the 13th stuff. And I certainly hope no one is suffering from its phobia which is very hard to pronounce or spell.

Meron akong friggatriskaidekaphobia.

Oh talaga? Spell mo nga.

Fear of Friday the 13th na lang.

But what about other superstitions? What about negative thoughts? In my opinion, they are as bad as superstitious beliefs. It is now high time that we get rid of all negativity. My prayer for you and I is that our minds will always be free and protected from thinking to hate, fear and disbelief. May we all have wisdom from God and the capacity to think positively. PM me If you need prayers.

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority”

Colossians 2:8-10